Friday 22 March 2013

I don't use many props in the Studio as I prefer a timeless look, without adornment, that's all about my clients natural expressions.

I do keep one or two things however...

This black pinstripe Trilby has been brought out of retirement recently to bring a stylish twist to one or two of my studio shoots:

Here's something I shot with it this week...

Wednesday 27 February 2013

Though of course I love taking's not often that I get a chance to go out and shoot something completely unrelated to my work here in the Studio. Then last week, just for fun and also because it was a beautiful day, I stepped outside on a whim with my camera....

I know I'm lucky to live on a such a beautiful stretch of the North Yorkshire coastline but that doesn't stop me from occasionally taking it for granted. These images are just a few that I shot by the beach in the hazy afternoon light.

Let me know what you think...

Tuesday 22 January 2013

Baby Isaac in the Studio for his very first photographs...I'm looking forward to seeing him again in 6 months time for his next shoot!

Thursday 17 January 2013

A new addition is a great excuse to get everyone together and update your family portrait! Check availability and get in touch via